Near Debre Berhan, North Shewa, Amhara, Ethiopia we are working with several Gedams, supporting the strengthening of these religious centers of the community. Our work is being supported by Shalom Corps, a global volunteer movement dedicated to meaningful service and social responsibility as an expression of the values of Judaism and love of humanity.
The program, Adopt A Gedam is providing technical support via CultivAid and local volunteers via the local community. The specific projects per Gedam aim to strengthen these institutions and its community. At Gizo Gedam, we are helping address issues of safety and the Gedam's longevity by protecting the center from falling rocks from surrounding cliffs. The project has 2 phases, first we are establishing terraces and a protective barrier. The second stage will implement a landscape design, planting various trees and crops to support beatification of the site and stabilize the soil.

The Volunteers at Gizo Gedam, members from the local community

Abba Ferede of Gizo Gedam along with CultivAid's coordinators - Wendi and Yael

Some of the members at the Gedam

The way to the Gedam

Descending to the Gedam

Building the terraces and barriers

Abba Firedhe